Aquarium Water Treatments by Terminalia Catappa Leaves

Water is to fish what air is to humans. Poor water quality will be a potential risk leading to fish disease or death. In this article, we will talk about aquarium water treatments. Terminalia catappa leaves are one of the miracle cures. And we will cover how to improve aquarium water quality with terminalia catappa leaves. Without any more delay, let’s get down to business.

Aquarium water treatments

Keeping fish in an aquarium is not as easy as you imagine. Maintaining great water quality makes fish happy and healthy. But how? Usually, a great aquarium filtration system would be helpful. A fish tank sponge filter is perfect for a small fish tank. With integrated bio-filtration and physical filtration, as well as small water flow, it would not take up much space. Moreover, you should test the water parameters and change the aquarium water regularly.

Generally, it is feasible to change 15-30 percent of the water once each week. But it is not necessary for every aquarium. Besides, adding some live aquatic plants is a great option. Nitrate levels will be reduced, which can be fertilizer for plants. Additionally, adding terminalia catappa leaves is another alternative. Seriously, adding some medications is necessary.

Terminalia Catappa Leaves

Terminalia catappa is a tree from tropical regions in Asia. And its leaf is also called “Indian almond leaf” or “tropical almond”. The tannins from terminalia catappa leaves help cure wounds and fin damage. Also, the tannins are beneficial to pH level reduction, bacteria, and fungus inhibition as well as parasite elimination. Adding terminalia catappa leaves to shrimp or bettas aquarium is an excellent choice.

Besides that, here are some pros and cons of using terminalia catappa leaves in aquariums.


  • Lower pH level
  • Enhance the ability to anti-bacteria and anti-fungus
  • Induce fish to breed
  • Provide food for small fish, like fish fry
  • Reduce stress


  • Lessen the ornamental value of your fish tank sometimes
  • Damaging to fish fancying hard water or high pH level

How to use Terminalia Catappa Leaves in an aquarium

When should you use terminalia catappa leaves in an aquarium? In general, you can add terminalia catappa leaves when facing the following cases:

  • Build a new tank
  • Introduce new fish to a new tank
  • Induce fish to breed, especially betta fish
  • Breeding tank and fish fry maintenance
  • Fish get sick, especially when the disease is damaging to fish skin
  • Fish need to reduce stress, for instance, after transportation

In addition, how to use terminalia catappa leaves in an aquarium? First, you should prepare the leaves in advance. Usually, the leaves that fall naturally are the best option, which is rich in tannins. Also, it is better to rinse, soak, or boil the leaves before adding them to your aquarium. The number of leaves depends on the aquarium size.

Generally, you should follow one leaf or two leaves for every 10 gallons of water. After adding terminalia catappa leaves, the water in your tank will turn slightly tawny. It imitates the watercolor and water quality of natural habitat, while it also helps fish form vibrant body colors, rather than lose body color.

Furthermore, you’d better just keep the leaves in your aquarium for about two weeks. When you find holes in one leaf, you can add another one to your tank. Or the leaves will decay into many small pieces. For rotted leaves, you can remove them directly with a fish net or aquarium curved tweezers. By the way, what can you do if the aquarium water turns yellow after adding the terminalia catappa leaves? Just remove the leaves from your tank first. And then partially change the water. In this case, an aquarium siphon pump can help you out.

Using an aquarium siphon vacuum is convenient. It can change the water quickly with the air-pressing button. Also, adding aquarium supplies for pigment adsorption, like activated carbon, is effective.

Improve water quality in your aquarium

Fluctuating water parameters are damaging to your fish. Fish may get sick or even cause death. Thus, it is essential to keep constant water parameters. Terminalia catappa leaves play a role in lowering pH levels. Seeing that the leaves can release tannins, humic acids, fulvic acids, and other organic compounds with weak acidity. On the other side, terminalia catappa leaves possess the ability to be antibacterial and anti-fungus. The tannins from the leaves prevent attacks from bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens.

For example, if your fish’s tail or fins are hurt, tannins are helpful in recovery and avoiding fin decay. Also, terminalia catappa leaves help remove algae, which keeps the tank clean. Aside from improving aquarium water quality, the leaves can be fertilizer for aquatic plants and a food source with high nutritional value for aquatic fish or shrimp.


Terminalia catappa leaves, which need less maintenance, are a perfect option for beginners and experienced aquarists. In short, the leaves are beneficial to lower the pH level, anti-bacteria, anti-fungus, and reducing stress. Additionally, they provide nutrients for plants, fish, shrimp, and other creatures. For more different types of leaf litter for aquariums, you can go to Leaf Litter for An Aquarium – Will It Anti Fungus.

That is all for today. For more additional ideas about aquarium water treatments, welcome to share them with us in the comment. We’re happy to receive your sharing. Finally, thanks for your reading.

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