How to Take Care of Pet Turtles

How to Take Care of Pet Turtles

An aquarium can only keep fish or aquatic plants? The answer is negative. Actually, an aquarium can be a habitat for other animals, like pet turtles. If you never heard about it before, do not hurry, I am not pulling...
How do you care for a neon tetra fish tank

How Do You Care for a Neon Tetra Fish Tank

Hey, dear friends! Have you ever kept a tetra in your fish tank? Exactly, tetras are ideal for beginners and even experienced aquarists. And most tetras are peaceful. In today's article, we will get into a further discussion about neon...
Axolotl Care Guide - What Do Axolotls Eat

Axolotl Care Guide – What Do Axolotls Eat

Generally, amphibians possess gills and live in the water during their young ages. As they grow up and become adults, they will lose gills and develop lungs, then they will go to land. However, axolotls are quite special, which is...
What is the Best Way to Control Duckweed in Aquariums

What is the Best Way to Control Duckweed in Aquariums

Plants are critically important for aquariums since they can provide hiding places for your fish, on the other hand, they can also improve the dissolved oxygen levels. Nonetheless, the outgrowth of plants is bad for your tanks. Thus, regular pruning...
How Often to Add Bacteria to Aquariums

How Often to Add Bacteria to Aquariums

Ideal aquariums always possess a significant amount of beneficial bacteria, keeping stable ammonia levels in aquariums. As beneficial bacteria are so crucial, how often should we add them to aquariums, and how to grow? Do not hurry, this article will...
What Is a Good Way to Keep Betta Fish Happy

What Is a Good Way to Keep Betta Fish Happy

Betta fish possesses many different names, including 'Siamese fighting fish', 'Chinese fighting fish', 'Japanese fighting fish', 'Betta Spledens', and 'Beta'. And have you ever kept a betta fish? If not, do you know the kinds of betta fish? If you...
Identify tetra fish gender

How To Identify A Tetra Is A Boy Or A Girl

Are you a beginner aquarist and want to put a boy tetra in your aquariums? But you failed to do so because you don't know the gender of tetras. For this reason, we come up with some suitable ways by...
know the fish gender

How to Know If a Fish is Male or Female

Are you curious about the differences between male fish and female fish? Or have you ever been confused about how to distinguish male and female fish in your aquarium? If you were, these problems would be solved in this article....
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