Is a Seahorse a Fish or a Mammal

Is a Seahorse a Fish or a Mammal

Seahorses are undeniably one of the most captivating creatures in the ocean. With their unique body shape and colorful appearance, they capture the imagination of people of all ages. But beyond their beauty, what do seahorses eat? Seahorses have several fascinating adaptations that allow them to thrive in their environment. Content Table Is a seahorse... View more
Why Do Catfish Swim on Top of Water

Why Do Catfish Swim on Top of Water

Have you ever seen an aquarium catfish chilling near the surface of a pond or tank? It might seem odd for a bottom dweller to be hanging out up top. This blog dives into the fascinating reasons why catfish sometimes defy expectations and become surface swimmers - aquarium catfish diseases. Content Table Aquarium catfish profile... View more
Swimming Into the Jellyfish World

Swimming Into the Jellyfish World

Jellyfish play a vital role in marine ecosystems. Their specific attributes attract researchers and scientists. This article will address types of jellyfish and what jellyfish eat - their diet. You'll also learn whether they have brains and eyes. Specially designed jellyfish tanks and their difference from regular tanks are also worth learning, which you'll find... View more